Tuesday, April 17, 2018
I'm at Love Bytes Reviews Today! #Censorship #NetNeutrality #FOSTA #SESTA #DMCA
I am at Love Bytes Reviews talking about the slow winding down of Net Neutrality, Censorship, a critical opinion of FOSTA/SESTA and more! Check it out!
Monday, December 25, 2017
Les Tromperies du Cœur is now available! Joyeux Noël!
Un mage vampire, un jeune homme Romani, et un amour interdit qui ne peut être renié.
Lord Taliesin Solitaire est né albinos, a été rendu muet par la malédiction des feys et trahi par un amant vampire. Pendant deux cents ans, le mage vampire a juré de ne plus jamais aimer et n'a utilisé le sexe que comme un moyen d'avoir un repas. Jusqu’à ce qu'un gitan, diseur de bonne aventure, se retrouve dans une situation périlleuse et Taliesin ne peut pas résister à sauver le beau jeune homme.
Pesha est le fils aîné, mais le plus petit, du Roi Vaida Sinclair, le propriétaire tyrannique de la Kale Romani Compania. Présumé impur par son père, Pesha est rejeté et maltraité par quatre de ses demi-frères et l'un d'eux en particulier, veut sa mort. Son pâle sauveur silencieux lui offre une sécurité et un amour qu'il n'aurait jamais pu imaginer. Alors que Pesha tombe amoureux de son beau chevalier blanc, son demi-frère commet l'impensable.
Taliesin pourra-t-il sauver Pesha des griffes cruelles de son demi-frère une seconde fois.
Lord Taliesin Solitaire est né albinos, a été rendu muet par la malédiction des feys et trahi par un amant vampire. Pendant deux cents ans, le mage vampire a juré de ne plus jamais aimer et n'a utilisé le sexe que comme un moyen d'avoir un repas. Jusqu’à ce qu'un gitan, diseur de bonne aventure, se retrouve dans une situation périlleuse et Taliesin ne peut pas résister à sauver le beau jeune homme.
Pesha est le fils aîné, mais le plus petit, du Roi Vaida Sinclair, le propriétaire tyrannique de la Kale Romani Compania. Présumé impur par son père, Pesha est rejeté et maltraité par quatre de ses demi-frères et l'un d'eux en particulier, veut sa mort. Son pâle sauveur silencieux lui offre une sécurité et un amour qu'il n'aurait jamais pu imaginer. Alors que Pesha tombe amoureux de son beau chevalier blanc, son demi-frère commet l'impensable.
Taliesin pourra-t-il sauver Pesha des griffes cruelles de son demi-frère une seconde fois.
Now available at Men Over the Rainbow and Amazon!
Read an exclusive interview of me on Bite Me If You Can!
Read an exclusive interview of me on Bite Me If You Can!
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
#Giveaway! #BlogTour One Word, Book 3 in the Hidden Places Series, by Anne Barwell is out!!
Join me in welcoming Anne Barwell to my blog today with her newest novel, One Word, A Hidden Places Story, Book 3! She also gives us a terrific commentary! Don't forget to scroll down and enter the giveaway!
One Word is now available at
Dreamspinner Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo,
and Google Books!
Book 1: Cat's Quill
Book 2: Magic's Muse
One Word is now available at
a Rafflecopter giveaway
November 3 - Open Skye Book Reviews
November 6 - Book Reviews and More by Kathy
November 6 - Top to Bottom Reviews
November 6 - Two Men Are Better Than One
November 6 - Gay Book Promotions
November 7 - Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words
November 8 - Happily Ever After Chapter
November 9 - Love Bytes Reviews
November 10 - Boy Meets Boy Reviews
November 10 - Nic Starr
November 13 - The Novel Approach Reviews
November 14 - Dreamspinner Press Blog
November 15 - Aisling Mancy
Dreamspinner Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo,
and Google Books!
Book 1: Cat's Quill
Book 2: Magic's Muse
for hosting me today as part of my blog tour for One Word, the 3rd book in my Hidden Places series from Dreamspinner Press.
have a Rafflecopter running as part of the tour so be sure to enter.
this is the last stop on my blog tour for this book, where next? is a question
I figured was a good topic to finish with.
It’s also one that is two-fold, and I’ve invited some guests for the
second part of it.
what’s up next for me as a writer? Prelude to Love is releasing on 2nd
January from Dreamspinner Press as part of their Dreamspun Desire range. I’m
especially excited about this one, as it’s set in Wellington and one of the
guys is a music teacher.
I’m almost done with months of rounds of edits and blogging with several new
releases in short succession, I’m looking forward to getting back to
writing. Lou Sylvre and I are co-writing
The Harp and the Sea which is an
historical with a touch of magic set in the 18th century on the Isle
of Skye. While Lou is writing Robbie’s
scenes, I’ll be working on A Sword to
Rule, which is the 2nd and final book of my Dragons of Astria series.
what’s next for the Hidden Places
series? To answer this one, I’m handing
over the rest of the post to my special guests, Tomas Kemp and Cathal Emerys,
while I go refill my tea.
waits a few moments before turning to his husband. “Do you think she’s really
shakes his head. “Authors are never really gone,” he whispers. “They just
pretend they are, and then wait until you’re lulled into a false sense of
security before....” He shudders.
puts one arm around him. “Hey, not all authors do that. I’m nice to my
rolls his eyes. “I’m reading your latest book as you write it, remember? And I
know what you have planned for those guys.”
have to work for their happy ending! I thought you agreed with me on that.”
Tomas sounds indignant, but amused at the same time.
guys, we’re talking about my writing, not Tomas’s,” the author reminds them.
and point,” Cathal says smugly. He settles back on the sofa and gazes out their
bedroom window for a moment. When he
speaks again, it’s softly, and his voice sounds strained. “Do you remember what
my sister said to you before she stopped time and sent us back to your world?”
pulls Cathal closer. “I’ll never forget it. She told me that we were both bound
to your world, as were those of your blood, and said we would be called. I didn’t like the sound of it then, and I
still don’t.”
is coming to Naearu,” Cathal says. “They will need our help, and when they ask
we will go. There is a price to be paid
for everything, and I hope the one I pay will not to be too high.”
“We pay,” Tomas corrects him firmly.
“Whatever happens we’ll be facing it together.”
you won’t be facing it alone,” the author adds. “There’s a reason why I told
Donovan and Ethan’s story before I write Dragon’s
Price, which is the final book in the series.”
can take your time writing it too, and reconsider that title. I don’t like it.
Cat’s paid enough with everything he’s been through.” Tomas shivers. “Give that
vampire another story first. And I know those guys with the psi powers have
been waiting a while too.”
author raises an eyebrow. “What have you heard that I don’t know?” she asks.
“Give me a moment to refill my tea. We
need to have words....
About One Word, A Hidden Places Story
Ethan Leavitt arrives in the idyllic village of Oakwood to search for a missing friend. Having always prided himself on his ability to find rational explanations, Ethan’s trust in concrete evidence and logic is tested by the mystery of Oakwood and Tomas’s disappearance.
Donovan Campbell’s happy, sometimes flippant, exterior hides a past he’d rather forget. As he struggles with his memories and to hold on to the inn he owns with his best friend, the last thing Donovan needs is for some guy he’s only just met to start getting under his skin. When a bank robbery escalates into a dangerous situation, Donovan must embrace a part of himself he can no longer ignore in order to save a future that might never have the chance to exist.
Ethan learns that often the person you’re looking for is not the one you find. But have he and Donovan both realized that too late….
“I’m so sorry, Jane,” Ethan said, “and I
apologize for my insensitivity earlier. It was completely out of line.”
She managed a shaky smile. “Thank you for being
understanding. Good afternoon, gentlemen. I guess it’s a good thing that I have
the day off, isn’t it?”
“I’m sorry for kicking you,” Donovan said after
she’d left.
“I can be an insensitive jerk at times. Lord
knows, I’ve been told that often enough.”
“Not always. You’ve got a kind side to you too.”
Ethan’s concern for Jane had been real enough,
as was his mortification that he’d been rude once he’d seen that she was upset.
“You say that like it’s a good thing.” Ethan
retrieved his napkin from the side of his plate and wiped his mouth. “Sometimes
it’s not, you know. People take advantage. Not that I’m saying she is, but….”
He sighed. “Just forget it, okay.”
“Okay.” Donovan wondered who had hurt Ethan and
recently. He’d seen enough to connect the dots. “Lots of assholes in this
world, unfortunately.”
“And some decent people too. Oakwood’s been good
for reminding me of that.”
“Are you sure you’re okay to come to London with
me tomorrow?” Donovan couldn’t help but think that something in their
conversation had triggered Ethan’s reaction. He’d said Mitchell and Vincent
were good friends. Perhaps it was this acquaintance he’d mentioned? The one who
had introduced him to them.
“I’m looking forward to it.” Ethan glanced at
Donovan’s empty plate. “Have you had enough lunch?”
“Yes, thanks. I was hungrier than I realized.”
Donovan finished the last of his beer.
“I went to see the owner of the Chronicle the other day, but he was too
busy to talk and suggested we meet briefly today instead. I’m hoping, as he’s
been working at the newspaper a while, he can tell me some old stories about
Oakwood that didn’t end up in print. You’re welcome to come if you’d like.”
“Thanks for the offer, but I need to do some
work at the inn this afternoon. We had to replace some weatherboards a few
months ago, and I need to get them painted before winter.” Donovan wished he
could have said yes, but Heidi was stressing about it. If he didn’t get onto it
soon, she’d be out there doing it herself, and she did enough already. Part of
their agreement in taking on the inn was that they split the workload between
them, and Donovan made sure he pulled his weight. “You’re okay to find your own
way back?”
“Yes, I’ll be fine. Thanks for asking.” Ethan
pushed back his chair and walked over to the counter to pay for their meal.
“I’ll see you later, at the inn.”
“Okay. Sounds good.” Donovan didn’t follow him
immediately but instead stayed at the table watching Ethan at the counter. His
hair curled up slightly at the back, his jacket falling to mid-ass, not quite
covering it. He had a very nice ass.
Bet he kisses
well too.
Oh fuck. Donovan closed his eyes for a moment.
Where the hell had that thought come from? He was falling for the guy, wasn’t
he—falling for a guy who wasn’t interested and would be walking out of his life
in a couple of days.
Donovan heard footsteps walking away. He opened
his eyes just in time to see Ethan disappear out the door. It was time to leave
and bury himself in the work he needed to get done. He stood and headed for the
door, giving Eoin and his friends a wave as he passed their table.
He hadn’t missed the money the three men had
given Craig or the grins they all wore.
Donovan groaned. Great, that was all he needed.
The pub door slammed as he stalked through it. Yep, they were running another
betting pool all right.
It wasn’t his fault they were wasting their
time. They’d find that out soon enough for themselves.
Book 2: Magic's Muse
Rafflecopter Giveaway:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
can find the list of sites taking part in the blog tour on Anne's Blog
(Or, if you prefer here’s a coded list of the sites):November 3 - Open Skye Book Reviews
November 6 - Book Reviews and More by Kathy
November 6 - Top to Bottom Reviews
November 6 - Two Men Are Better Than One
November 6 - Gay Book Promotions
November 7 - Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words
November 8 - Happily Ever After Chapter
November 9 - Love Bytes Reviews
November 10 - Boy Meets Boy Reviews
November 10 - Nic Starr
November 13 - The Novel Approach Reviews
November 14 - Dreamspinner Press Blog
November 15 - Aisling Mancy
Anne Barwell lives in Wellington, New Zealand. She shares her home with two cats who are convinced that the house is run to suit them; this is an ongoing "discussion," and to date it appears as though the cats may be winning.
In 2008 she completed her conjoint BA in English Literature and Music/Bachelor of Teaching. She has worked as a music teacher, a primary school teacher, and now works in a library. She is a member of the Upper Hutt Science Fiction Club and plays violin for Hutt Valley Orchestra.
She is an avid reader across a wide range of genres and a watcher of far too many TV series and movies, although it can be argued that there is no such thing as "too many." These, of course, are best enjoyed with a decent cup of tea and further the continuing argument that the concept of "spare time" is really just a myth. She also hosts other authors, reviews for the GLBTQ Historical Site “Our Story” and Top2Bottom Reviews, and writes monthly blog posts for Authors Speak and Love Bytes.
Anne’s books have received honorable mentions four times and reached the finals three times in the Rainbow Awards. She has also been nominated twice in the Goodreads M/M Romance Reader’s Choice Awards—once for Best Fantasy and once for Best Historical.
Find Anne on her Website, Blog, Our Story, Facebook, Facebook - Sunset at Pencarrow,
Twitter @AnneBarwell, Goodreads, Instagram, Google+, Queer Romance Ink, New Zealand Rainbow Romance Writers, Dreamspinner Press Author Page,
and her DSP Publications Author Page!
Saturday, October 28, 2017
#BookBlast! Saving Alexander by Susan MacNicol is out!
Punishing himself for a horrific past that is not his fault, bestselling author Alexander Montgomery seeks redemption and love—and perhaps he will find it.
Title: Saving Alexander
Release Date: October 28th, 2013
Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group
Genres: MM Contemporary Romance, BDSM
Pages: 256
About Saving Alexander:
Punishing himself for a horrific past that is not his fault, bestselling author Alexander Montgomery seeks redemption and love—and perhaps he will find it.
Famous author though he may be, Alexander Montgomery is not someone you take home to meet Mother. Seriously flawed, damaged by a horrific past, he’s trying hard to claw his way back to normality. But how can anyone respect what he truly is? His therapy involves regular sessions at Study in Scarlet, an exclusive S&M club.
Then comes Sage. Tall, with black hair and blue eyes, an up-and-coming actor with impossible charm and boy-next-door good looks, he’s the perfect choice to play the leading man in a TV adaptation of Alex’s last best-seller. Even more, he is a man you introduce to your family. Which Alex would do—if he weren’t taken by another man who offers the punishments Alex prays will wipe away the past and make him the person he wants to be. Yet, perhaps there is another path to redemption. If only the solution would reach out and touch him.
Famous author though he may be, Alexander Montgomery is not someone you take home to meet Mother. Seriously flawed, damaged by a horrific past, he’s trying hard to claw his way back to normality. But how can anyone respect what he truly is? His therapy involves regular sessions at Study in Scarlet, an exclusive S&M club.
Then comes Sage. Tall, with black hair and blue eyes, an up-and-coming actor with impossible charm and boy-next-door good looks, he’s the perfect choice to play the leading man in a TV adaptation of Alex’s last best-seller. Even more, he is a man you introduce to your family. Which Alex would do—if he weren’t taken by another man who offers the punishments Alex prays will wipe away the past and make him the person he wants to be. Yet, perhaps there is another path to redemption. If only the solution would reach out and touch him.
Alex stood as Christopher Sage entered the room and kissed Jenny in greeting. The older woman smiled delightedly, giving him a warm hug.
Alex studied the man who had invaded his dreams more than once and been instrumental in bringing his sexual fantasies to a literal climax.
He was even more delicious in person. And the man was gay. That was a real bonus.
Six-foot-and-some tall, longish curly black hair, deep blue eyes that crinkled when he smiled and a rangy body that looked as if it were made to wear fine suits or nothing at all. In tight blue jeans and a checked long sleeve shirt with a white tee shirt underneath, Sage looked very relaxed.
Alex had a sudden image of peeling off the shirt to find a nice set of pectoral muscles beneath, then running his hands over them. The other man’s mouth was extremely kissable, with generous lips that Alex wanted to nibble. His cock shifted in his chinos at the images his mind was conjuring up and he cursed the sudden rush of heat to his groin.
Jesus, where was his professionalism now? He needed to get a bloody grip before anyone noticed his raging hard-on.
He reached out his hand to Sage, who was returning the scrutiny. Sage’s hand was warm and firm with long fingers and clean, shaped nails. Alex’s breath deepened at his touch. He hoped Sage hadn’t noticed.
The reality of feeling his warm skin in his own hands was infinitely better than the dream.
Sage met his gaze and narrowed his eyes.. “Heterochromia iridis. I’ve never seen it in a human being before. Very striking.”
Alex stared at him. Most people simply squinted and looked at him strangely before they asked him how his eyes came to be two different colours— one green, one blue. Actually hearing someone who knew what the condition was called was slightly disconcerting. Especially when rendered in that very charming slight Irish accent.
“I was born like this.” He shook Sage’s hand firmly. “Not many people seem to know what it’s called though.”
Sage smiled. “I had a horse once with the same condition. He was a Pinto. It’s quite common in that breed.”
Alex raised a dark eyebrow. “Comparing me to a horse? Well, that’s one way to start a relationship.”
About Susan Mac Nicol
Susan is a self-confessed bookaholic, an avid watcher of videos of sexy pole dancing men, geek, nerd and in love with her Smartphone. This little treasure is called ‘the boyfriend’ by her long-suffering husband, who says if it vibrated, there’d be no need for him. Susan hasn’t had the heart to tell him there’s an app for that…
In an ideal world, Susan Mac Nicol would be Queen of England and banish all the bad people to the Never Never Lands of Wherever -Who Cares. As that’s never going to happen, she contents herself with writing her HEA stories and pretending, that just for a little while, good things happen to good people.
Sue is a PAN member of Romance Writers of America and is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association in the UK. She’s also Editorial Manager at http://www.divinemagazine.biz, an online LGBTQ e-zine, and she’s a Charity Board trustee at http://wwwbeingmecampaign.com in London.
She’s passionate about research for her books and has stayed in a circus, taken lessons from a blind person on how it feels to be non-sighted, and travelled to a lighthouse with maintenance crew to see first-hand what it’s like inside. She’s also writing a screen play with a Hollywood actor named Nicholas Downs, with a view to taking her latest release, Sight Unseen, to the big screen.
All in all, she’s happy with her lot and loves that you love to read her books.
You do, right?

Monday, October 23, 2017
Rocktober with The Rock Gods by Bestselling Author ANN LISTER!
Rocktober with The Rock Gods by Bestselling Author ANN LISTER!

No Rocktober is complete without The Rock Gods.
The Rock Gods series is comprised of love stories between beautifully creative men from two different rock bands; Black Ice and Ivory Tower, and their friends. All of the books in this series are stand-alone stories, but tied together with rock stars that are colleagues and also friends. Each of my rock stars are flawed and emotionally damaged men at the height of their musical careers and in search of the one thing that still eludes them: love. I hope you’ll take this musical journey alongside me with each of The Rock Gods novels and discover what it truly means to love; love unconditionally, love without restrictions or labels - just to simply love
with KindleUnlimited.

Read the Kindle Edition within seconds of downloading to your reading device TODAY. Would you love to have those sexy covers on your bookshelf? Now you can with 1-Click.
Add to your Goodreads shelf, titled 'M/M Hot Reads'
Fall For Me, Book 1
Kindle Edition Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2figq2K
Universal http://getbook.at/FallForMe
Paperback Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2fzyzz1
Amazon US http://bit.ly/FFMPaperbackUS
Goodreads http://bit.ly/FFMGoodreads
Take What You Want, Book 2
Kindle Edition Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2eVjViW
Universal http://getbook.at/TakeWhatYouWant
Paperback Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2eTlGf8
Amazon US http://bit.ly/TWYWPaperbackUS
Goodreads http://bit.ly/TWYWGoodreads
Make You Mine, Book 3
Kindle Edition Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2fEUYcw
Universal http://getBook.at/MakeYouMine
Paperback Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2xC8J1S
Amazon US http://bit.ly/MYMPaperbackUS
Goodreads http://bit.ly/MYMGoodreads
Looking At Forever, Book 4
Kindle Edition Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2fEVpne
Universal http://getbook.at/LookingAtForever
Paperback Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2fzca4D
Amazon US http://bit.ly/LAFPaperbcakUS
Goodreads http://bit.ly/LAFGoodreads
Meant For Me, Book 5
Kindle Edition Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2fijaNE
Universal http://getbook.at/MeantForMe
Paperback Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2hy1uUL
Amazon US http://bit.ly/MFMPaperbackUS
Goodreads bit.ly/MeantForMeGoodreads
Fighting His Fire, Book 6
Kindle Edition Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2figXSi
Universal http://getbook.at/FightingHisFire
Papeback Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2xxmDEV
Amazon US http://bit.ly/FHFPaperbackUS
Goodreads http://bit.ly/FHFGoodreads
Beyond The Music, Book 7
Kindle Edition Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2fEU7IX
Universal http://getbook.at/BeyondTheMusic
Paperback Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2fzmDx1
Amazon US http://bit.ly/BTMPaperbackUS
Goodreads http://bit.ly/BTMGoodreads
Forever At Sunrise, A Novella, Book 8
Kindle Edition Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2eEqR3I
Universal http://getBook.at/ForeverAtSunrise
Paperback Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2jNllzW
Amazon US http://bit.ly/FASPaperbackUS
Ann Lister is a native New Englander currently living on the island of Martha’s Vineyard with her husband. She has pulled details from her years living in the New England area and uses many local settings and landmarks in her novels. After graduating art school, marrying, and raising two daughters, she established her own video production company. Her nearly two decades working in video production included work within the music industry and won her a coveted Telly Award. Her ‘behind-the-scenes’ exposure to the music world and her love of rock music is the inspiration for her erotic rock star romances. The Rock Gods series gave her Bestselling Author status on Amazon. Beyond The Music, Book 7 in the series, hit #1 in the Gay Erotica genre during the Pre-Order and held that spot for several weeks. This last book in The Rock Gods series launches the spin-off series, Guarding The Gods, which releases in early Summer of 2016. Fall For Me, Book One in the series was a Finalist in the 2013 Rainbow Award. Each book in this series brings her two favorite elements together: musicians and the love between two men. These stories focus on what it truly means to love; love unconditionally, love without restrictions or labels, love without fear or judgment – to just simply love.
Connect with Ann here: Website Stay up-to-date and subscribed to Ann's newsletter https://www.annlister-author.com/
Author Amazon Page Check out more Published Books M/F & LGBT by Erotic Romance Author Ann Lister http://viewauthor.at/AnnLister
Goodreads Add Ann's books for your next hot read https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/519355.Ann_Lister
Facebook Page Like Ann's Author page fb.me/AuthorAnnLister
Twitter @AnnListerAuthor
Follow Ann on Twitter https://twitter.com/AnnListerAuthor
Pinterest Pin and share with Ann https://uk.pinterest.com/rockgods7/
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AllAuthor Follow Ann on AllAuthor http://allauthor.com/profile/authorannlister/

Thursday, October 12, 2017
K-Lee Klein's Unbroken Hearts, Bk 2 in the Unbreak My Heart Series, is out!
K-Lee Klein's "Unbroken Hearts", Book 2 in the Unbreak My Heart Series, is out!
Book One, Unbreak My Heart, can be found here!
Now available at Dreamspinner Press,
Unbreak My Heart: Book Two
Country singer turned rancher Brett Taylor fought his way
out of the bottle so he could have JT Campbell in his life. JT's patience,
intelligence, and humor broke through Brett's walls of depression, and now the
once-isolated rancher and his young California
guy in search of himself are together on Brett's Texas ranch.
While Brett and JT are more in love than ever, they’re still
dealing with past baggage and learning how to move forward. Brett’s former
lover casts a long shadow over their lives—one JT tries to pretend doesn’t
bother him. Can Brett soothe his fears with the sort of sappy, sentimental
Valentine’s Day JT was taught to shun growing up—but secretly always wanted?
When Halloween rolls around, a costumed night out at the
local bar might lead to another romantic first. And on Christmas morning, JT
awakes to some sweet loving and the most meaningful gift he could ever imagine.
The New Year truly brings a new beginning—ushered in by some silly, sparkly,
and sexy fun.
One year. Four important holidays. Two men who have worked
hard for the love and trust they share and the bright future that’s finally
within their grasp.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
#SpecialPreSale! #Article Drama Detective by Joe Cosentino!

Drama Detective is only
$3.99 from
September 29th - October 27th!
Out October 28!
Pre-order now at:
September 29th - October 27th!
Out October 28!
Pre-order now at:
DRAMA DETECTIVE, the fifth Nicky and Noah mystery
Hi, Nicky and Noah mystery fans! I have some
good news. We are offering a special $3.99 pre-order sale from September
29-October 27 (prior to the October 28 general release on e-book and paperback)
for the e-book of Drama Detective,
the fifth novel in my award-winning, popular Nicky and Noah mystery series! As
Nicky would say, “I’m more excited than a priest at altar boy orientation!”
Sunday, August 20, 2017
#NewRelease! Drama Cruise, 3rd Nicky and Noah comedy mystery audiobook by Joe Cosentino, performed by Brad Enright
Join me in welcoming Joe Cosentino to my blog with his newest audiobook, Drama Cruise, Book 3 in the Nicky and Noah Mystery Series, and an informative interview!
Language: English
Cover Art: Denny Minonne
Cover Design: Inkspiral Design
Time: 6 hours
Release date: August 10, 2017
Language: English
Cover Art: Denny Minonne
Cover Design: Inkspiral Design
Time: 6 hours
Release date: August 10, 2017
Drama Cruise AUDIOBOOK is available now at
DRAMA CRUISE (the third Nicky and Noah mystery)
by Joe Cosentino, performed by Brad Enright
Are you a Nicky and Noah fan? If so, you’ve enjoyed lots of
laughs, sweet romance, and mind-teasing mysteries. How were the Nicky and Noah
mysteries conceived? As a college theatre professor/department head, I realized
a college theatre department is rife with humor, romance, mystery, and lots of
drama! Since I have a passion for cozy mysteries full of humor, the settings
are cozy, the clues and murders (and laughs) come fast and furious, and there
are enough plot twists and turns and a surprise ending to keep the pages
turning quickly. And who doesn’t love romance? So at the center of each novel is
a touching gay romance between Play Directing professor Nicky Abbondanza and
Acting professor Noah Oliver.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Meet Rio from Jackie Keswick's "The Power of Zero"!
Join me in welcoming Jackie Keswick to my blog with her newest novella, The Power of Zero, a Prequel to the Power of Zero Series! Check out this awesome interview of Rio!
Available at Amazon!
Like Gettin' to Know a Feral Cat
Hi, I'm Rio. I
don' do interviews. People like me don', y'know?
Bu' jus' to be neighbourly
an' all, I'll talk to you about Jack. 'Cos he's somethin' else.
Bu' tha' first question
on your list right here? Why did you offer a kid squatting in your
basement a home? Tha's the kind of question tha' tells you who your friends
are. Nobody who knows me - an' is in their right mind - would even think
of askin' me tha'. They all know how I'm built.
And Jack wasn' jus'
any kid.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
One Year Anniversary: Zac's Mulligan, Guarding the Gods Bk 1, by Ann Lister!
Zac's Mulligan, Guarding The Gods book 1 by Author Ann Lister
About Zac's Mulligan
Zac Mulligan is a former Marine now providing personal security for the infamous rock band, Black Ice. Seeing all the guys around him in committed relationships reminds him of his childhood best friend . . . the only person Zac has never managed to get out of his head or his heart.
Ben Holland is an artist. Falling deeply in love with his best friend in his teens, Ben is left alone when Zac leaves him for the military. Ben heads off to college and lives his life “out and proud” as a gay man and creates a brand name for himself with his artwork. Throughout all the years that pass, Ben never forgets his childhood friend, Zac, or the feelings they once shared.
Zac realizes a decade is too long for Ben not to have a presence in his life and finds Ben living on Cape Cod where they spent their summers as kids. Meeting each other as adults stirs up a lot of memories for both of them.
Zac is looking for a mulligan, a “do over,” with his childhood best friend. The question is: Can Ben find a way to put aside his old hurts and fully open his heart to Zac for a second time? Or maybe the past is something better left buried on the beach where it all began.
Universal link http://getbook.at/ZacsMulligan
Order your signed paperback HERE fb.me/AuthorAnnLister
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#Giveaway! Welcome to the blog tour for Comes a Horseman by Anne Barwell! Anne talks A Matter of Perspective!
Join me in welcoming Anne Barwell to my blog today with her newest novel, Comes a Horseman, the sequel to Shadowboxing, Book Three in the Echoes Rising Series! She also gives us a terrific commentary! Don't forget to scroll down and enter the giveaway!
Comes a Horseman is now available at
DSP Publications, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo,
and Google Books!
Book 1: Shadowboxing
Book 2: Winter Duet
DSP Publications, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo,
and Google Books!
Book 1: Shadowboxing
Book 2: Winter Duet
A Matter of Perspective
for hosting me today as part of my blog tour for Comes a Horseman, the 3rd and final book in my WWII Echoes Rising series from DSP
have a Rafflecopter running as part of the tour so be sure to enter.
prefer to read and write flawed characters, rather than protagonists who are
always right, and antagonists who are two-dimensional virtual moustache
whirlers. I think they’re more
interesting, and I like a bit of emotional angst in my stories.
people make mistakes, and especially during war, find themselves in a position
where they need to follow a course of action they wouldn’t usually. In Echoes
Rising the team have so far been focused on getting Kristopher and the
information he carries to the Allies.
But now, they’re having doubts about whether this is the best course of
action, and whether their mission should succeed. Add in the complication of having feelings
for someone else in their team. What sacrifices will they need to make in order
to ensure that person’s survival? A person who in usual circumstances wouldn’t
kill anyone reacts differently when someone they love is threatened.
do they?
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Christa Tomlinson on Why Do Bad Boys Make You Feel So Good? "Bad Boys Need Love Too" is Now Available!
Why Do Bad Boys Make You Feel So Good?

Inspiration for Bad Boys Need Love Too
Hello everyone!My name is Christa Tomlinson and I’m here showing a little love for one of my older titles. Bad Boys Need Love Too was the second full length novel I completed. It tells the story of Gage Mason, a motorcycle mechanic and Joseph Naderi an up and coming lawyer.
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